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Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Spencer

Mrs Rice

A warm welcome to all our Year 3 pupils



Children should arrive at school for 8.35am in time for registration at 8.40am. We have planned activities that start as soon as the children arrive and so being on time is extremely important if they are to not miss out on crucial learning. School finishes at 3.20pm and children must be collected from the school playground. There is an after school club based in Hillside Infant School which can be booked on the Arbor app.


Break and Lunch

Break time is at 10.35 - 10.50am. Children are encourage to bring in a healthy snack to eat during this time. This could be:


  • Vegetables/ vegetable sticks – such as celery, cucumber, peppers or carrot.
  • A piece of cheese (cheddar cheese or Babybel).
  • A piece of fresh or dried fruit – pineapple, mango, kiwi, plain raisins, apricots, blueberries, banana slices.
  • Bread sticks, plain pretzels, banana bread, malt loaf, oat/rice cakes and small pitta breads are also good snacks.
  • Yoghurt

No chocolate, sweets or crisps.


Lunch time is from 12.10 to 1.05pm. You can order lunch through the Schoolgrid App where there is a selection of hot meals with a cold sandwich option each day. These must be booked by 9am on the day the lunch is to be provided.

Alternatively, children can bring a packed lunch which must consist of balanced healthy foods. 


School Uniform

School uniform identifies the children as part of the school community and children should take pride in their appearance. Full school uniform should be worn at all times and we appreciate parent/carer cooperation with this. School uniform consists of:

  • a white shirt (not polo shirt)
  • a school tie (red/grey)
  • red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • grey or black trousers, shorts, pinafore or skirt
  • black school shoes
  • red gingham dress (summer)

*All items should be clearly named



Homework is an important element of your child's learning journey. Homework is given out weekly and expected complete and on time (we suggest creating a timetable to help organise tasks throughout the week and prevent too many being left at the end of the week). Homework consists of reading, grammar, spelling and maths. We also use Google Classroom to share home learning and send out communications. Passwords for online apps will be stuck inside the front cover of homework books.

Parents will need to initial each task.

We also provide a lunchtime homework club with adult support if children are unable to complete work at home. Please note that this is a drop in session and should not replace learning being done at home. If you have any concerns or problems, please get in touch with us by writing a note in your child's homework book or via our class email.

[email protected]

[email protected]



At Hillside Junior School, we believe that reading is the key to learning. It opens up the world to children and enables them to be successful in whatever they choose to do with their lives.

Being more enthusiastic about reading and a frequent reader was more of an advantage , on its own, than having well-educated parents in good jobs.’ (Family Scholarly Culture in 2010)

For homework we use the online platforms Bedrock and Oxford Owl (for children in phonics intervention). Additionally, Year 3 pupils are encouraged to read a book at least four times per week, for a minimum of 10 minutes.

We encourage children to read aloud where possible and for parents/carers to ask questions about the text.

We also encourage parents/carers to read to their children or use audio books; reading to children helps develop language skills and literacy.



Times table fluency is an important element of foundational knowledge in maths. Children are expected to have quick recall of multiplication facts up to their 12 times tables. 

Times Table Rockstars will be part of your child's home learning and is an engaging way for children to revise, learn and become more fluent with their tables.

We also use IXL Maths to consolidate the learning in class.



As part of the homework, a selection of spelling words will be handed out in the form of handwriting for children to practise. Please check your children can spell these words.

Grammar tasks will also be included as part of regular homework.



P.E. for Year 3 will take place every Thursday (unless notified otherwise). Pupils must come into school wearing their full school P.E. kit. Pupils may wear a dark blue or black tracksuit over their shorts. Micro tape should be provided from home to ensure earings can be covered if it can not be removed.



We have a number of school trips and enrichment days planned out across the year. These trips are not possible without the parent volunteers to accompany us. If you are available to help us, please inform the school office. You will need a valid DBS (if you do not have one, the school office can assist with this).


We are excited about the learning journey ahead and thank you for your support.


Ms Spencer and Mrs Rice








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Hillside Junior School, Northwood Way, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1RX